Samsung Galaxy S8plus Edge Samsung Gear Vr Headset Stop Working UPDATED

Samsung Galaxy S8plus Edge Samsung Gear Vr Headset Stop Working

Excited to endeavour on your new VR goggles and experience a different reality?

You plan to play some games, explore new apps, spotter some videos, or fifty-fifty watch boob tube. Any information technology is, yous're anticipating hours of enjoyment from your new VR goggles. Only then the worse happens, yous connect your phone, simply it fails to launch on your Samsung Galaxy S8.

How to Fix Gear VR Not Working with Galaxy S8 | Joy of Android
How to Prepare Gear VR Not Working with Galaxy S8

But don't worry, information technology's non the end of the world. In near cases, the set is very simple. It may be something overlooked or a step you lot forgot to take. Near of the time, the easiest set up is the ane yous need. Here are some of the issues you may be experiencing with your new Gear VR, as well every bit ways to fix them.

Related commodity: Samsung Gear VR

I recommend y'all try them in lodge and make sure yous test after each footstep to come across if it worked. Merely keep to the next step if you are yet experiencing the result.

Step one: Remove and Reconnect Your Samsung Gear VR

VR ports
Check the Port and Connection to Your Phone

Speaking of the easiest and simplest fix, this usually does the trick. A loose connection or wrong positioning volition lead to a lack of contact between the telephone and peripheral. This lack of contact fails to institute a connexion which in turn fails to launch the app.

Ensure the connexion is placed correctly. The contacts between the two devices should marshal correctly. Now you can check if Oculus has launched in your telephone. You tin can cheque on the many features the Samsung Gear VR has to offer here.

Step 2: Turn the Oculus App Off and Then Plough It Dorsum On

Oculus Powering Your Gear Feel

If the beginning step did not work, then here is the next step. Manually shut downwards the Oculus app. Go to your Samsung S8 phone settings. Click on the apps menu and await for Oculus. Click on it, and you will find your app's credentials. Click on the Force Cease Button.

I would recommend closing other apps as well and then endeavour relaunching Oculus. Now you can check again and hope everything is working fine.

Stride iii: Restart Your Samsung Galaxy S8

Long Press the Power Button and Wait

The Samsung Galaxy S8 is a mighty fine phone. Information technology is capable of doing so much. So much power and grace fit into a small palm-sized device. Nonetheless, fifty-fifty a phone every bit groovy as this does have its limits.

Hang-ups and other similar symptoms can still happen. A typical handling to clear your cache and encourage faster response is restarting your telephone. Just hitting the restart push button, or if y'all wish, plow information technology off and wait for a few minutes. Turn the phone on again and try relaunching the Oculus app.

Stride 4: Check for the latest version of Android and firmware

Updating Your Software Tin can Take Some Time, just It Is Vital

Now if you take tried the showtime iii steps and it still is not working, y'all may have a software problem already. It is essential to check if your device is updated and using the latest version of the software. There are two things to cheque hither. Look at the version of the Android Bone itself, and if your drivers are upward to date.

To practice this, once again look into your Samsung Galaxy S8'south settings. Get to Software Update and check if you lot have the latest version installed in your phone. If not, and so try updating your phone kickoff earlier trying to utilize your Samsung Gear VR again.

Step 5: Uninstall and Reinstall the Oculus App

Long Press the Power Button and Expect

If all that work still has not paid off, then here is one final pace before you lot telephone call on Oculus support. You will need to access your Google Play so y'all can reinstall the app.

Now before you lot exercise annihilation, you will need to uninstall or delete the following.

  • Gear VR Service
  • Update Gear Setup Wizard
  • Gear VR Video
  • Oculus
  • Oculus Dwelling
  • Oculus Organisation Activities

It is imperative to unistall these in the order that they are listed in a higher place. This volition help reduce the take a chance of complications while doing this stride.

Check your phone's retention and storage to ensure you have enough space before you download the app once more. Just click on settings, so proceed to devise maintenance. Check if your phone'south status is all good and dark-green.

For the concluding step, get to Google apps and install Oculus once more. Just like checking the version of your software, reinstalling will give you a fresh and updated version which your previous download may not be using.

If It Withal Doesn't Piece of work…

This is the indicate I hope yous do not achieve, and the odds of you doing then are fortunately very, very small.

Only if you attempt all these methods and are even so having problems, just contact Samsung customer back up to get some help from the people who know Samsung products best.

Did we fix your problem or did you accept a different trouble? Do you lot know of a ready for ane of these problems that's unlike from the i I gave? Allow me know in the comments beneath!


Samsung Galaxy S8plus Edge Samsung Gear Vr Headset Stop Working UPDATED

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